Access Only | Paragon Investing
Paragon Investing Mobile App

Use institutional-grade Private Asset funds to build your wealth.

Paragon Investing offers an access-only service for clients who want invest only a portion of their money with Paragon and don't need portfolio management or financial planning services. Leverage the same private investments and resources used in ultra-wealthy clients' portfolios to invest and grow your wealth.

Ideal for self-driven investors who want to manage their own portfolios, or investors who already use another financial advisor to manage their other investments.

Paragon provides individual investors the ability to invest in the same restricted and soft-closed funds as ultra-wealthy clients, at an advisory fee half that of the retail average. Greater returns, lower fees.

Is this right for me?

*Some preferred investments may be limited to accredited investors, requiring >$1.0M investable assets, or annual income of >$300k. Contact us for more details.

Paragon's Access-Only Service

Ideal for intelligent,
self-driven investors

Suited for DIY investors who have a desire to:

Invest in private debt funds

historically only available via Limited Partnership (LP) deals.

Reduce fund fees

and manage your portfolio like a sophisticated investment professional.

Measure portfolio performance

relative to a benchmark on a risk-adjusted basis.

Get your questions answered

by your dedicated investment advisor, as needed.

See exactly what you're paying for

and only pay fees for transparent value-add.

Maintain complete control

over your portfolios, your money, and all trades.

Paragon Investing

Gain Access and Resources

Invest in Restricted Funds & Private Assets

  • Private debt has historically provided a +6.3% return premium over public Bonds1.
  • Invest in funds that may otherwise require $1M minimum investments
  • Including the restricted and soft-closed funds that we participate in
  • Invest in institutional share classes with 0.25% lower expense ratios and waived sales and load fees (up to 5-7% savings)
  * As of 09/30/2020

Paragon Recommended Asset Allocations

  • Align your portfolio with ultra-wealthy clients & billion-dollar institutions
  • Asset allocation recommendations based on market conditions:
    • Equity vs Fixed Income vs Alternatives
    • US Equities vs International vs Emerging Markets
      • Value vs Growth vs Quality
      • Large Cap vs Small/Mid Cap
      • Option overlays
    • Fixed Income duration and quality positioning
  • Paragon recommendations on active/passive management based on asset class & market conditions

Paragon Recommended Fund Managers

Paragon and our partners spend over $100k annually on original research and fund due diligence. We target fund managers that have exhibited a proven ability to consistently outperform their benchmark over rolling 3 year periods. Our manager recommendations may change quarterly as portfolio managers leave the company or begin to exhibit characteristics we are uncomfortable with. Paragon continuously monitors and researches current and prospective fund managers for their ability to outperform over a full market cycle.

Detailed Performance Reporting

On-demand access to our client portal where you can track portfolio performance, aggregated across all accounts we manage (401k, brokerage, IRAs, Roth, etc). Each investment is compared to the appropriate equal-risk benchmark, after fund fees, so you can clearly see the value that Paragon is providing. Monitor your portfolio the same way the ultra-wealthy do.

1. Return Assumptions & Disclosures for Paragon Investing.

All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of money you invest, and past performance does not guarantee future performance. Historical returns, expected returns, and probability projections are provided for informational and illustrative purposes, and may not reflect actual future performance. Please see our Full Disclosure for important details.